

The Story of Four Families

Eric Schaffer, who works for IMG, a sports marketing firm, and is a part-time law student in Cleveland, remarks that the three brothers are "all kind of best friends." Athletics have always been important to all the boys-they all were the quarterbacks of their high school's football team-as Eric says, "when we were younger, we really bonded over sports."

Since their mother's passing, the brothers' relationship has remained a close and supportive one. "Ryan knows that he could come to Andy and I about anything--about girls, about school--we understand. It's a nice thing, but it's also something for us to live up to," Eric says. He says he sees a lot of his mother in Ryan. "They were both very smart and determined, but they also had a way about them that everybody likes them and is attracted to them."

Ryan's mom filled many different roles in his life. Losing his mother, Ryan says he lost "my mother, my father, my sister, my coach and my adviser, but most importantly my best friend," Two and a half years later, I have good days and I have bad days," he says. When difficult days like Mother's Day and Jan's birthday come around, he and his brothers share memories with each other.

Last summer the boys sold their family home and Ryan moved in with his brother, Eric Andy got married last year and he and his wife are expecting a baby in March. "I can't wait to tell my nephew what a wonderful lady hi grandmother was, "Ryan beams.

Jan Schaffer was an optimist, in spite of it all, and her sons recall the inspirational posters that she would hang on the refrigerator door when they were younger. "My mom encouraged me to 'reach for the stars' and taught me the importance of believing in myself. She got me to believe in myself because she truly believed in me, in everything that I ever tried to do," Ryan says.


The lessons of Jan Schaffer's life are powerful and enduring ones, and even after her death, Ryan feels her influence in everything he does. Above all, he looks to her as an example of selfless determination and courage. He remarks that 'every goal she ever had was put aside for us, she lived for us...she lived through us." And in many ways, she still does.
