

Put the Voodoo Dolls Away

We all love to mock the Quad. Indeed, the light-hearted River-Quad banter which colors the annual housing lottery is usually amusing and benign. The danger arises, however, when we mislead others into believing house life can be reduced to such simple terms as location and room size. In the wake of randomization, it becomes all the more important for each class to enter their house with an enthusiasm not just to live there, but to belong there. Only then can house spirit survive and flourish.

To those members of the class of 2002 fortunate enough to find themselves randomized into the Quad, congratulations. Fight the temptation to reach for the transfer application or burn more voodoo dolls. Instead, hold your head high and enthusiastically embrace the house that you will soon call your home.

Richard S. Lee '01, a social studies concentrator living happily in Pforzheimer House, is an associate editorial chair of The Crimson.


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