
Radcliffe Considers Merit of Same-Sex Programs

Change in the Works?

While Radcliffe officials say there are no immediate plans to open the undergraduate programs to both sexes, there are rumblings that a change might be coming.

Few specifics have been forthcoming. Fay House has repeatedly refused to discuss which particular issues--like single-sex academic programs--are on the table in its possible merger negotiations with Harvard.


However, in declining comment, Radcliffe spokesperson Michael A. Armini said that such issues "may be part of Radcliffe's discussions with Harvard."

March has also avoided specifics about the future of the single-sex programs.

Asked if her office has considered expanding the programs to include men, she said, "There's a lot of people with very different opinions about it...I think we'll discuss it." She added that any serious discussions about broadening Radcliffe's offerings would be unprecedented.

However, March later said in an e-mail message that students should not expect significant changes anytime soon.

"Nothing is on the table about the traditional Radcliffe programs at the moment; it has simply been my own policy to be welcoming to men," she wrote.

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