
Activists Plan Breather in Wake of Rally

"It's only been going for a month," he said. "Icould see how it might get overshadowed by thegroups that have a little higher publicity."

Living Wage Campaign supporters said they planto meet with University administrators to discusstheir demands. Members of the group met with Deanof Students Archie C. Epps III before the rally onTuesday, but said they want to meet with ahigher-ranking official who has the power toimplement the changes they desire.

Wood said Living Wage Campaign members are notplanning on holding more rallies in the nearfuture.

"There are many other ways to put pressure onpeople in power," he said.

But for the moment, rally organizers arecelebrating the effectiveness of protest.


"This shows the right way to approach theadministration is through a combination of directaction and negotiation," McKean said. "That's theonly way to win things from them."

Rally organizers said working together formedbonds between the groups that will be useful inthe future.

"The three campaigns worked seamlesslytogether," said Benjamin O. Shuldiner '99, a PSLMmember. "At the HUCTW [Harvard Union of Clericaland Technical Workers] office the night before therally, the place was packed, and everyone from thethree groups was just hanging out together, makingposters."

"There really was a sense of community," headded.

Shuldiner said he hopes the groups can maintainthat sense of community now that the rally isover.

"There's no question that after a large rallylike we had yesterday there will be somedissipation of energy, but I think the rallycreated connections that weren't there before, sothat we know that we can count on the other groupsfor help," Shuldiner said

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