
W. Hoops Wins With Two Buzzer Beaters

"Yale hates us; their intent was to just nailus," Delaney-Smith said.

Neither team led by more than three points therest of the way, and it looked as if the Bulldogsmight steal the victory when Grubbs hit a lay-upto put Yale ahead 53-50 with 3:09 to play. ButJanowski answered Grubbs with a lay-up of her ownoff a nice high-low feed from Ryba, and the stagewas set for Monti to perform.

"Yale said some things [in Friday's Yale DailyNews] about how we were their most hated rival andthat their one goal in the season was to beat ustwice," Janowski said. "They have really good postplayers, and they are very deep. I think [Grubbs]is a great player; I would love to have her on myteam."

Both teams used full-court pressure effectivelythe entire evening, but it seemed most helpful tothe Crimson's cause. Yale held a slim, 30-28 leadat halftime and came out hot in the second half,while Harvard suffered a brief scoring drought.Unable to convert baskets, the Crimson wasconsequently unable to press, and the Bulldogscapitalized on the opportunity to build their10-point lead.

Once Harvard started connecting on its shots,however, the press returned. Harvard's full-courtpressure did not lead to many steals, but itcertainly unnerved Yale, especially up front whereKowal and senior guard Kelly Kinneen frustratedDenit and the rest of Yale's guard corps allevening. Yale was consistently forced into pooroffensive sets by a press that used up half theshot clock before the Bulldogs crossed halfcourt.


Harvard won the battle of the boards 36-33 andheld Yale to below 40 percent shooting from thefloor. The Crimson shot 43.8 percent one nightafter a 45.9 percent shooting performance and hit6 of 14 shots from beyond the three-point arc.

Miller's 20 points on 7-of-11 shooting led allscorers, and she added four rebounds. Apparentlyinspired by the pre-game ceremony honoring theCrimson's four seniors, Miller played her bestgame of the season.

She scored Harvard's final points of the firsthalf in dramatic fashion. Miller took across-court bounce pass from Kinneen deep in theright corner, launched a three-pointer that foundnothing but net and drew the foul. She convertedthe free throw to complete Harvard's onlyfour-point play of the season.

"I tried not to think about it [being seniornight] because I didn't want to get emotional andnervous," Miller said. "I didn't think aboutanything. I just went out and played the game.Maybe my problem is that I think too much sometimes."

"The fans were great, and of course, it was aspecial night," she added. "You can't not playwell in your senior night game, and I think allfour seniors played awesome tonight."

Grubbs led Yale with an 18-point, 13-rebounddouble-double, and Denit added 11 points in thelosing cause. Senior forward Christina Bertaofinished with nine points, and freshman forwardOnaona Miller chipped in six.

Janowski recorded another double-double with 14points and 10 rebounds, Russell added five pointsand five boards and Monti finished with six pointsand a game-high three assists. Kinneen, Kowal,Ryba and junior guard Courtney Egelhoff eachdished out two assists.

Harvard 69, Brown 67

Vita Redding put on a show on Friday night, andMonti promptly stole it.

The Brown senior set the Lav Pav ablaze in thepenultimate game of her illustrious collegiatecareer, scoring 23 points and authoring a sterlingassist to teammate Cathy Miller on the basket thatgave the Bears a one-point lead with 5.7 secondsto go.

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