That goal also gave Mleczko the women'sDivision I single-season scoring record set byCornell's Cindy Schlaepfer's 89 points in 1976-77.
Shewchuk also broke into the record booksyesterday. Her five goals tied the schoolsingle-game record and her nine points set theHarvard and ECAC single-game points record.
Co-captain Claudia Asano dealt out two assistsand senior winger Jen Gerometta recorded a goal onSenior Day. Suurkask netted the game-winner 7:13after the opening drop.
Dunn dished out four assists and Franciscoadded two helpers. Junior defenseman ChristieMacKinnon also had an assist.
The Crimson out-shot the Eagles 65-21.
Harvard 4-3 (OT) at Bright Hockey CenterDartmouth 1 1 1 0 3Harvard 1 1 1 1 4
First PeriodHar--Botteril (Mleczko, Mackinnon) 12:57.Dar--Bredin (Sekela) 18:30.
Second PeriodHar--Botterill (Shewchuk) 1:03.Dar--Marci (Sekela, McCullough) 15:27.
Third PeriodHar--Shewchuk (Botterill, Mleczko) 3:41.Dar--Sekela (Bredin, Soustos) 8:54.
OvertimeHar--Shewchuk (Mleczko) 2:52.Saves:Dar--Cahill 13-3-5-5 26;Har--Kuusisto 3-5-5-1 14.Power Play:Dar--0/6; Har--0/2.Attendance:1,023Harvard 10-0 at Bright Hockey CenterHARVARD, 10-0 at Bright Hockey CenterB.C. 0 0 0 0Harvard 3 3 4 10
First PeriodHar--Suurkask 1(Shewchuk, Francisco) 7:13.(PPG).Har--Shewchuk 1 (Mleczko, Dunn) 9:46.Har--Gerometta 1 (Ruggiero) 13:42.
Second PeriodHar--Mleczko 1 (Dunn, Shewchuk) 10:52.Har--Mleczko 2 (Shewchuk, Mackinnon) 12:49.Har--Shewchuk 2 (Germoetta, Asano) 18:12.
Third PeriodHar--Shewchuk 3 (Mleczko, Dunn) 7:26. (PPG)Har--Mleczko 3 (Shewchuk, Asano) 13:45.Har--Shewchuk 4 (Francisco, Ruggiero) 16:00 (PPG).Har--Shewchuk 5 (Dunn, Mleckso), 19:48.Saves:B.C.--Nentwig 21-19-15 55;Har--Kuusisto 5-5-11 21.Power Play:B.C.--0/7; Har 2/3.Attendance:490