

Pollyanna, Call Your Office

My favorite author, C.S. Lewis, wrote a book entitled "The Four Loves" where he explains the four-tiered Greek definition of love, from storge (affection) to philia (friendship) to eros (love, can be sexual) and agape (loving friendship and sacrifice without limitation or prerequisite). Much like recruiting can make us forget what careers might make us truly happy, the search for eros can obscure the agape that many of us are already blessed with from from our friends and, if we're lucky, our family. Draw on this love of your friends and ask them to help you in your search. If it's more than a two-minute conversation, they may tell you things you haven't realized about yourself, things that will help you in your search. You may well be surprised what you find.

Christa M. Franklin '99 is a social studies concentrator in Currier House. Her column appears on alternate Mondays.



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