"He attended one of the first orientationsessions for queer students for MIT," Harmon said.
Suden said Manley had only revealed his sexualorientation to a select group.
An MIT press release informed studentsyesterday that a hot line has been set up tocounsel students, and said an MIT dean is onspecial call if students have any concerns.
Even those students who did not know Manleysaid his death has made an impact.
"If you don't have any real connection, youfeel detached, but at the same time, I feel likeit could happen to anyone I know," said Kedra N.Newsom, an MIT first-year.
MacGregor's family was notified Saturday and isexpected to travel to Cambridge.
Kristine Tsian, who was Manley's entrywaytutor, declined to comment when reached lastnight.
Muther A. Dahleh, the master of MacGregor Houseand an MIT associate professor of engineering, wasnot available for comment yesterday