Perhaps the House stereotypes were never rock-solid, however. Adams resident Sarah G. Ellis '99 remembers that her House was considered "the artsy House, with a large population of gays and lesbians."
But was that reputation borne out in fact?
"I don't think it was true," Noyes says. "I had a large number of upperclassman friends who clearly didn't fit that stereotype."
It's a good thing the Unofficial Guide comes out every year. Adam A. Sofen
Violent Femmes Come To Springfest
Second semester brings a new set of classes, impending standardized tests and the stress of finding a summer job. But it also means 13 weekends before the next reading period--13 weekends to party hard at Harvard.
While final clubs and local bars may have once rocked the social scene, their activities have recently been stymied by members-only policies and strict age restrictions.
This spring it's up to Harvard's extracurricular groups to throw the parties and pop the corks.
No one spring event is as widely celebrated as The Game, the Adams Masquerade, or the City Step ball, at Harvard's one and only student government is throwing the one official social event of the year.
Representatives on the Undergraduate Council campus life committee are planning Springfest for May 1. While the council abandoned hopes of bringing The Dave Matthews Band to campus last semester, the Violent Femmes will headline the outdoor festival, according to committee chair Ryan E. Dorris '00.
The council also hopes to change the alcohol "We feel that the best solution would be tohave those of age wear wristbands, and that wouldbe the only restriction. But there may be acompromise," Dorris says. Will this year's Springfest help Harvardstudents feel that they attend a school with aregular social calendar? Dorris says that he hopes so. "We're definitely trying to build the eventinto something that has the feel of a real socialschool. Hopefully it will give the campus afeeling of a 'real school' for once," he says. Also on tap is the first-year formal, just twoweeks away. The event, also organized by thecouncil, will be held at the Swiss Hotel in Bostonon Saturday, Feb. 20. The black tie affair hastraditionally seen a good turnout. Read more in News