Before the changes, HIID reported to a councilcomposed of members of the University's faculties.Now Harvard has created a new committee to overseeHIID and a second committee to oversee CID.
The two committees will work "collaboratively,"Pagett said, and should overlap in membership.
And, according to the source, they will meetjointly this spring to take up issues concerningthe future of both organizations.
According to one insider, some inside HIID feelthat the newly-created CID undermines the originalinstitute.
But Pagett stressed CID's different mission,and said HIID's more applied approach is criticalfor the University, even if dealing with "realworld problems" sometimes gets the institute into"murky" territory.
"Harvard could retreat to its Ivory Tower, butthen they should shut down Phillips Brooks Housetoo," he said. "We want a University that...triesto make its expertise available to solve realworld problems."
But, he said, the institute's conflict ofinterest policies remain "clear as they can be."