
Gentrification to Increase in 1999


This increases the burden on housing advocates like EFZ.

The organization has already set out long-term goals for the year, which include a restoration of affordable housing in Cambridge, tenant rights, a living wage law and immigrant voting rights.

Currently, EFZ is protesting the evictions of residents from three apartment complexes in Cambridge, including one on Porter Road.

Hill has lived in the Porter Road complex for the past 33 years and now finds himself faced with eviction.

He said a developer recently bought the building with the intent to drastically increase rents and evict all residents unable to pay.


"I'm becoming homeless because of two words--profit and greed," he said.

But Hill, like many Cambridge residents, is determined to fight the evictions and rent increases.

"[My landlord] is in for the biggest fight of his life," he said. "It will take the National Guard to get me out of the apartment where I have lived for 33 years."
