"Sharing your concerns, worries, fears,troubles, joys, challenges and general lifecomplications is a risky move," she says. "In thatway, the amount of mystery and depersonalizationthat does surround the Room works in our favor andfor the benefit or our contacts."
Perhaps a reflection of this ambiguity,students have disparate perceptions of what goeson in Room 13. Several students, questioned atrandom, did not know what Room 13 was.
"It's like a lot of student groups here,"Philip P. Mariani '01 says. "Those you use, youknow about. Those you don't, you don't."
The problem, of course, is that students mightnot use the Room, or know they need it, until thetime comes. The importance of the service, otherstudents say, is that it can be depended on forwhenever students need it.
"I think it is wonderful," says Bridget J. Frey'99. "I think the people are wonderful. They arepretty much the only people accessible that lateat night."
Anonymity and a low profile are importantbecause the staff wants students to feelcomfortable discussing concerns that they do notwant to share with friends, family or advisers.Harvard's intensity can bring students down, andsometimes answers are not always evident.
"As most of the campus will agree, Harvard is adifficult place," Marks says. "These difficultiesare compounded with the fact that, for moststudents, it is challenging to ask for help, letalone to receive adequate support or assistance."
Perhaps the Room's biggest drawing point isconfidentiality--a source of pride for Room 13.Either as an anonymous voice on the other end ofthe phone or as a willing listener in person, thestaff is trained to not reveal any details aboutinteraction with its visitors.
"At Room 13 we are regularly confronted withpeople who are very nervous about calling us ordropping in to speak with us," Marks wrote in ane-mail message. "We often have to reassurecontacts that we do not have caller ID or anytrace mechanism."
We're Hiring
If you do want them to know who you are,consider applying for next year's staff. It is nottoo late, Marks says.
"People can call for interviews from February22 to March 14," Marks says. "People can calluntil we fill up."
The application process is competitive, withtwo rounds of interviews and a waiting list forstaffers. Current staff members do not need toreapply. Interviews are serious. Two staff membersinteract with applicants in role-playingsituations and interviews. Feedback follows therole-play.
Despite the careful selection and trainingprocess, Marks says it is important for the staffand the campus to realize that Room 13 does nothave all of the answers. Rather than answers, theRoom offers compassion.
"We all believe in the value of talking aboutthings," Marks says. "I think college is hard forall of us even those who take time for otherpeople to talk about issues."
They know, though, that the service theyprovide is valuable to the Harvard community, andthe staff.
"[The contact has] come to you for a reason,"Glass says, "and you can build some community forthem. Being a part of that--it's an amazingfeeling."