
Police Plan To Combat Computer Thefts

"Four laptops with STOP got stolen. 25 withoutit were stolen" in the same year from UCLA, hesays.

At Atlanta's Clayton State College--where allstudents must buy computers through theuniversity--police officials said the STOP programhad reduced laptop theft, from a situation wherefive to six percent of student computers werestolen annually to just under three percent.

According to information provided by STOP eachplaque costs $8.75. Donaldson says the additional$1.25 will help cover HUPD's overhead costs.

Yale University charges $20, and MIT charges$15 for similar anti-theft plaques, Donaldsonsaid. He says the plaque is worth the cost.

"In February alone, there have been eightlarcenies," he said.


One of the most egregious took place on Feb.11, when a female student had her laptop stolenoutside the Science Center.

The student told police that after sittingdown, she placed the laptop directly to her side.Moments later, it was gone.

"That just takes your breath away," Donaldsonsaid.

In another incident, a friend who borrowed hisroommate's computer left the laptop in the QuincyHouse Common Room. When he returned minutes later,it was gone.

Hauser Hall at the Harvard Law School reportedtwo thefts of laptops, each from unlocked offices,Donaldson said.

HUPD has positively identified a suspect in oneof the thefts, and is "actively pursuing him,"Donaldson said.

For students who traverse the campus with theirlaptop under their arm, Donaldson has thefollowing advice: "Don't forget the value of theitem, and don't leave it unattended. If you seesomeone suspicious, call us."

He said the STOP program was "the third line ofdefense--what in crime prevention terminology iscalled hardening the target."

On March 1, Donaldson and HUPD will begin toposter instructions around campus. The posterswill advise students to call Donaldson at 495-9225before heading to HUPD headquarters on Garden complete the procedure.

Donaldson predicted it will be several yearsbefore HUPD can gauge the effectiveness of theprogram

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