It's just not fair, and when the collective bargaining agreement comes up for renewal, something needs to be done. This utter greed has to end.
Just so you know, I've written this column wearing a cap with an interlocking "NY" on the front-- except mine is in orange.
Those players George bumped from the back pages were my boys. He rendered the formation of what may be the best infield in baseball--Olerud, Alfonso, Ordonez, Ventura, Piazza--passe.
Instead, he reminded the world that our best starting pitcher acquisition was Alan Watson.
It's not fair.
Of course, since my cap has that precious NY, isn't it about time for Mets GM Steve Phillips to give Ash a call? I hear Ash just picked up a beer-guzzling, Metallica-thrashing , southpaw who went 18-4 last season and really can't afford.