

Coming Soon: Springfest(TM)

The strict corporate sponsor policy might also be in place because the administration predicts a dangerous form of the slippery-slope syndrome in the council's future. The council might be conservative in its use of corporate sponsors this year, but what about years to come? We certainly don't want the Yard overrun with corporate placards, nor do we want campus events to lose their student focus. While this fear is probably legitimate, it is only one minor area of concern that the council must deal with responsibly. But the council shouldn't be punished for a problem that has yet to arise.

The administration should allow the council to contract with corporate sponsors to help fund Springfest. This would not only give the council the opportunity to improve their rather precarious reputation by allocating the $40,000 to more worthy proposals, but it would exponentially improve the prospects for a successful Springfest.

Jordana R. Lewis is a first-year living in Thayer Hall.


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