
The Great American College Tour: Term Bill Edition

Operating costs and campus events, such as concerts and the annual Spring Fling--as well as a surplus that is invested each year--bring the senate's annual budget to over $1 million.

The senate gives about $50,000 each year to the Carmichael Society, the Tufts umbrella organization for undergraduate volunteer activities. By comparison, the Undergraduate Council at Harvard gives $16,000 to the Phillips Brooks House Association.


The student activities fee is adjusted by the Tufts administration each year roughly based on inflation.

While Tufts has been plagued by low turnout in recent elections--25 percent of the student body voted in this year's presidential elections--Azoff says students have not questioned the senate's ability to handle such a large amount of money.

"The entire process is generally under student control," Azoff says. "The University decided long ago to do it this way, and no one really challenges the precedent now."

Lagging Behind

While Princeton students must pay an Undergraduate Student Government (USG) fee of $55 each year, very little of that money ultimately finds its way to student groups due to the USG's high operating costs and visible role on campus.

According to USG President Spencer Merriweather, the USG brings an outside band to campus for about $40,000 each semester, prints an annual course guide, and runs shuttle buses to local malls and movie theaters. The USG also has three paid office staff members.

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