
EFZ Stages Rally in Central Square

EFZ member and Cambridge resident Bill Cavellini explained that many tenants feel powerless and are unaware that "they don't have to put up with their landlords harassing them."

Current EFZ efforts are revolving around four issues. The group hopes to double local, state and federal funding levels to create affordable housing. It also hopes to encourage corporations and universities to commit their "fair share" of money and land.


In addition, the campaign seeks to encourage increased use of public land for new housing. Finally, the group seeks to support additional policies protecting and increasing affordable housing for renters and homeowners.

At the rally, longtime EFZ supporter Jean M. Keldysz, who said she expects to be evicted from her Cambridge residence of 50 years any day now, said, "I'm just sitting on edge waiting to see what's going to happen."

Her building was converted from rental units to condominiums five years ago, and the years since then have been marked by her landlord's efforts to evict her, she said.

Keldysz says now, she is simply trying to stop more conversions to condominiums.

"I'm not taking anything away from anybody," she says. "[The landlords] have made their money, now it's time for us to get something back."

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