
Anchor Jennings Reports The Century

Jennings and Brewster stressed that their book was not a detailed history, but written from an anecdotal, journalistic perspective.

"We tried to make it a narrative and a story," Brewster said. "It gives a sense of how the history was experienced, what it was like to be alive."


"This is a history from the bottom up," Jennings added. "It is dedicated to the witnesses."

Based on the book, the two men produced 27 hours of programming for The History Channel and a six-part ABC News series.

Jennings and World News Tonight staffers also produce a weekly segment for the network's flagship news broadcast.

After last night's reading, Jennings and Brewster fielded questions from the audience of over 300 people, providing answers on how they researched the book and also revealing their thoughts on the future.

One student asked Jennings how he thought the role of journalists had changed through the century.

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