
Driskell Wins Landslide; Fee Hike Fails

Council Cut to 50; Term Bill Stays $20

Sterling P. A. Darling '01 said he was at a private party and refused to comment.

The release of the election results came only hours after the council's election commission met to decide whether a series of spending violations would disqualify Driskell and Burton from the election.


Driskell and Burton each exceeded their spending limit of $100 "by a matter of dollars," said commission member David L. Levy '00. Their overspending, Levy said, occurred by accumulating too many in-kind donations.

Levy said the two candidates returned enough in-kind donations--such as unused paper and campaign posters--to the commission last night to pull them back within the spending limits.

"It would be really stupid to penalize people who have worked hard and put a lot of effort into their campaign because there was a misunderstanding," Levy said.

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