
Area Inventors Create Millennial Symphony which Genuinely Welcomes the Y2K Bug

The duo was intrigued.

"At first we did a lot of brainstorming," Gonsalves says. "At one point we threw out an idea with a steam engine and all kinds of other stuff."


They finally settled on the computerized symphony submission, which was accepted in March 1999.

It's been a time-consuming project--Trembaly estimates he worked two to three days per week on it since April, and in December, he's been working full weeks on it.

Studio Line

The project requires a lot of attention, as their fourth-floor studio in an Allston industrial office complex proved.

A mess of outdated computers covers about half of the room. One of the first things that the duo did was locate presumed obsolete computers. All of the machines used for the exhibition run on Windows 3.1 operating system or earlier.

Finding the computers was easier than expected, thanks to a quirk in Massachusetts law that prevents companies from throwing away used computers in garbage dumpsters.

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