
Profile of Driskell-Burton

Fentrice D. Driskell '01 and John A. Burton '01 are both veterans of Undergraduate Council campaigns, having come up short for the presidential and vice presidential spots last year--on different tickets.

Burton finished third in last year's presidential election and Driskell finished second in the vice-presidential race.

This year, Driskell and Burton are back for more, hoping that a "smoother operation," complete with strategy meetings and bolder posters, will lead them to election victory.


Driskell said she and Burton hope that by combining forces they will present a single, clear choice to constituencies they may have divided in last year's race.

"We saw how that [running on separate tickets] split the progressive vote, how that may have split the black vote," she says.

This year, the two have also traded places, with Driskell vying for the presidential spot as Burton seeks the vice presidency.

"People think either of us could be president," says Driskell, who approached several prospective running mates before finding a good fit with Burton.

"I said, 'John, I will not ask you to run to be my vice president. I said, 'I will ask you to be a co-president with me,'" Driskell says. "He did agree to run for vice president since some of the main ideas were my own."

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