
On Election Eve, Council Keeps Radcliffe, Burton

Council retains 'Harvard-Radcliffe' title

"The process smacks of nepotism and, in my mind, detracts from the president's responsibility to support and work with all candidates," she said.

Seton responded that the endorsement, at the last meeting before the election, is traditional.

"I'm sorry [Brown] feels that way, but I'm not that sorry," he said.


In other council news, John A. Burton '01, the vice-presidential candidate who was expelled from the council last Sunday for truancy, was reinstated Friday by the council's executive board.

Seton said the council's constitution forbade him from discussing the re-instatement.

Burton was absent from four council meetings and six meetings of the Finance Committee (FiCom). Members are expelled from the council after missing five council or committee meetings, according to the council's constitution.

Burton said he had a history section at the same time as FiCom meetings, but admitted he agreed on the committee's time and date in October.

"As vice president, I could never [miss so many meetings]," he said. "Even as a U.C. member, it's not the best thing to do, but was appropriate under these circumstances."

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