
Justice Breyer Gives Insider's View of Supreme Court

The nature of the judicial process makes it different than any other branch of government, Breyer said, because almost all that goes on behind the scenes is evident in the written decisions of the justices.

"The 'behind-the-scenes' in a legislature has to be interesting," Breyer said. "It has to be a story of how those words got there, what they mean and what their purpose is. When our court is working well, or any appellate court, the answers are right in the opinion."

According to Breyer, there is no mystery behind the finished opinions.


"What really happens at that word processor? Well, the same thing that happens when you're writing your first draft," he said. "Is that really an interesting story? It is for you, it is for your mother possibly. But it's only of mild interest to many of us. But that's the kind of thing that goes on in the court."

During the question-and-answer portion of his lecture, Breyer expressed an optimistic view of the future of the United States judicial system. "This country has survived a lot," he said. "Despite the errors over the past 200 years, you have a system which solves such serious problems in so peaceful a way."

The court's efficiency and ability to put the past in its proper perspective has made it successful, Breyer said.

"Discuss it, decide it, over and done," he said of the court's decision making process. "Tomorrow is a new day."

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