
The Y2K Guardians: Who Will Be Here?

College Harry R. Lewis '68 says students who have can stay off-campus over winter break are encouraged to do so.

"It will be easier to deal with any [problems] that may occur if only a


few people are affected," he explains.

All first-year dorms will be closed for the holiday, but usually a few hundred undergraduates remain in the Houses over break, Lewis estimates.

Lewis provides a pertinent anecdote from four years ago, when the first members of the Class of 2000 arrived on campus.

"The keycard entry system refused to let them into their dormitories on the basis that they had graduated 96 years earlier. This problem was fixed within hours, so most people never even heard of it," Lewis explains.

"I haven't heard of any other problems," he adds. "A lot of non-compliant systems have been replaced before such problems could arise."

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