
Soaring Away With Harry Potter

To enter his dormitory at school, Harry needs to say a password which opens a painting to reveal a secret passageway.

Letters from home arrive at school by post--owl post, that is, flying into the Great Hall every morning.

Classes include "Potions," "Defense Against the Dark Arts" and "Transfiguration." The Transfiguation teacher is renowned for her ability to turn herself into a cat.


The books offer something for readers of all ages. Younger readers can envision themselves in Harry's shoes as he explores the new world with his school friends; young adult readers can search for allusions to real moral struggles, and older readers can relive their days of pre-adolescent desire to escape to a land of magic and wonder.

"It appeals to a wide range of people, and can link people together," Horayangura says.

Rowling's Magical Journey

If Harry is "a reluctant hero," as Ringen describes him, his author is much the same.

J.K. Rowling has shot from obscurity to fame since the first book's 1997 release in the United Kingdom.

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