
A Motley Crew: Grassroots Group Fights for Tenants

Eviction Free Zone wields power in local politics

Many tenants continue their involvement with EFZ by becoming members of the group after they have been helped.

Bill Marcotte, who has served as EFZ's lead housing organizer, became involved in 1995 after the organization supported him when he was being threatened with eviction.


"Because of their help I was able to stay in my home," he says.

Deconstructing EFZ

EFZ volunteers represent a range of socioeconomic levels and ethnicities.

With little formal structure, EFZ relies on its members to organize campaigns, run meetings and train new volunteers.

The members' day jobs vary. Marcotte, 51, has lived in Cambridge for 25 years and works as a housecleaner, and Cavellini, 56, is a cab driver.

The organization prints all literature, including pamphlets, newspapers and rally signs, in three languages--English, Spanish and Haitian/Creole.

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