
Scholars Debate Creationsit Theories

Ham said that, although today's students learn that scientific evidence supports evolution, there are other ways of interpreting the same data.

In particular, Ham said that genetic evidence may not show how the first plants and animals evolved into the wide variety of life on earth today.


Ham said he acknowledged "great variation within a kind" of plant or animal--that it was reasonable to believe that one kind of dog could evolve into many different kinds of dog.

However, Ham said he could not accept the transition from one species to another, quite different species.

Humphreys supported Ham's claims by pointing out faults in the fossil record. He cited a lack of transitional fossils and questioned whether the evolution of life, from simple to complex, was actually represented in the data.

He also presented an alternative view of the history of plate tectonics. This history supported his viewpoint that God created the world between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, but diverged widely from current scientific doctrine, which estimates the age of the world in the billions of years.

Hump hreys showed a computer model of this alternate plate tectonics, which included, at one point, the continents moving apart from each other at a rate of two meters per second. He called this process "a continental sprint, not a continental drift."

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