
BLee-ve It!

Brown Surfs Way to Win

"Harvard felt our weakness was our secondary, and we fed it to them, and they stepped up," Estes said.

We can break this down analytically, of course.


The fact is that the Harvard football team never said what Estes claims. The person writing the preview did as a result of Brown's poor stats against the pass this season. At the time, the Bears were giving up 27.9 points a game, so saying their defense was the weak link seemed pretty appropriate.

Second, how dumb are these Brown players? Maybe this can work once or twice, but every single week, Estes is surfing the web, looking for a motivational quote. He said it himself--if it's not there, he'll make it up.

Does Brown think that there's some sort of conspiracy against it? Does Estes, now in his second year as head coach but the head recruiter for four years before that, recruit only incredibly paranoid players?

I can only imagine what's going to be board-worthy by Estes' fourth or fifth year. His creativity will be stretched to the max. He'll be spending as much time on the laptop as in the film room.

Suggestions, in case Coach Estes is reading:

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