
Start The Presses: Harvard Published Itself

Tired of writing poems and stories for the pure joy of it? Check out Harvard's growing family of highly-selective literary mags.

Contact: Dorian Berger (dberger@fas)

Dissent calls itself "the" literary magazine of Harvard; found only on the web, a new issue of all new content appears around the 7th of every month. Dissent features short stories, poetry, personal stories and nonfiction. Although Dissent does not currently publish much that couldn't be printed on paper, it does have the advantage of the accessibility of the Internet. Work can be submitted via the Dissent website.




Next Deadline: March

Contact: Halla Yang (hyang@fas)

As a publication dedicated to the voices of Koreans at Harvard, much of the work submitted to Yisei usually focuses on the Korean-American experience, especially that of the second generation. The editors encourage writers to submit fiction, poetry and personal essays, as well as art work that may speak to the Korean community at Harvard and beyond. Yisei also publishes interviews, features and solicited articles on the particular theme of each issue. Email Halla Yang to submit, drop off submissions at the Woodberry Poetry Room, or send work via Yisei's website at



Next Deadlines: December, March


One of Harvard's newest student publications, Zalacain attempts to provide a deeper cultural and literary perspective on the Hispanic and Latin American experience with opinion pieces, news articles and literary contributions. Zalacain accepts fiction, poetry and essays in English, Spanish, Portugese and indigenous languages as well. The editorial board will consider submissions in other languages, as long as they are pertinent to the magazine. The magazine also publishes photographs. Submit at the Woodberry Poetry Room or email

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