
Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs Captivates with Globalization Talk

Papandreou discussed the importance of global cooperation in general.

"It is the political aspects of globalization that will present the greatest challenge of the new millennium," he added.


Papandreou said the ideals of political globalization, because it is such a broad concept, must be adopted individually by each nation, and first conquered on a national level before engaging in any kind of international integration.

"Political globalization must be able to represent its global 'demos' [people] democratically and it must make the citizens of the world participants in the political and economic process of transition to a more integrated globalized world," Papandreou said.

Papandreou cited problems with the current world order. He referred to the situations in Iraq and Yugoslavia, where violence directed at the government was deflected unto the citizens of then country.

"For the purpose of deposing an authoritarian ruler [in Iraq], human suffering became subordinate to other political objectives," Papandreou added.

Though his vision seemed "far-fetched," he said, "so was that of a united Europe" when originally proposed. Papandreou then continued to delineate the procedure that Greece hoped to follow.

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