

Politics Before Prestige

Since 1973, federal law has prohibited the use of U.S. international family planning funds to perform or promote abortion. And since 1981, any international lobbying on abortion has been banned. With this agreement, the anti-abortion Republicans in Congress intend to extend these prohibitions one step further.

The agreement would deny assistance to overseas organizations that provide abortion services, engage in advocacy related to abortion or even educate about the dangers of unsafe abortions. Such a policy would be illegal in the United States.


It is short-sighted to link something as important as paying our UN dues to family planning policy. Clinton would be wrong to sign this agreement because the two issues should be kept separate. UN dues have no affect on our funding of family planning organizations abroad.

Throughout his administration, Clinton has been strongly committed to protecting abortion rights. He should not reverse his policies and give in to the anti-abortion forces in Congress-regardless of the United States' UN debts.

Clinton should reject this agreement and negotiate a way to pay our debts that doesn't compromise our commitment to women's health and reproductive rights across the world.

Since, however, the compromise is likely to be signed by Clinton and to take effect soon but will expire in a year, we urge next year's House and Senate Democrats to fight against the agreement's offending conditions.

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