
Men's, Women's Swimming Looking to Make a Splash

The rookies have already established themselves as an integral part of the team, both with their presence on deck and in the pool.

"This is the fastest freshman class in recent memory," senior Adrienne

Leight said. "They are not afraid to step up and race to win."


And win they have. Freshman Lovisa Gustafsson has already registered five individual wins, including two key victories over Brown, and classmate Jane Humphries added three triumphs of her own in the Brown and Columbia dual meets.

Perhaps equally important to the points they have been scoring, the new members have revitalized the Crimson with their fresh attitude.

"After seeing everyone swim this weekend [against Dartmouth and Cornell], we feel a lot more confident that we can take Brown down," Gustaffson said. "There is no doubt in our minds that we can win."

The freshmen aren't the only ones making waves down at Blodgett, though.

Veterans like senior Alexis Todor and sophomores Sarah Murphy and Janna McDougall have both fed off of the excitement on the team for impressive wins of their own.

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