
Tom Wolfe Comments On College Social Life

Wolfe's field work for the book has included interviewing Stanford students and attending a fraternity party at the University of Michigan.

After observing the social life of today's college students, Wolfe concluded that the social mores of his own youth are obsolete.


"There used to be a custom for young men and women to meet. It was called dating," he said, adding that audience members were probably too young to remember this outmoded rite of passage.

Now, Wolfe said, dating has been replaced with what are popularly called "hook-ups."

He defined hooking up as "an elastic, sexual term" that can imply a acts of a wide spectrum.

According to Wolfe, meaningful relationships have been replaced with brief sexual encounters, in which a student may only know their partner as "the sketchy guy in the green Wu-Tang T-shirt."

After reading a passage from A Man in Full, Wolfe answered questions from the audience and offered a critique of modern American literature.

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