
First Female Corporation Member Resigns

Judith Richards Hope, the first woman ever appointed to the Harvard Corporation, said this week she will resign from her post at the end of the fall term.

Hope is stepping down after 11 years of service on Harvard's highest governing body in order to devote more time to her career as a lawyer and in politics.

The Corporation is smaller than the other main governing body of the University--the Harvard Board of Overseers--consisting of only five members, a treasurer and Harvard President Neil L. Rudenstine.


More powerful even than Harvard's Board of Overseers, the Corporation meets over 16 times each year to make decisions about Harvard's academic and institutional practices.

Hope told the Harvard News Office that although she is grateful for the experience she gained while working on the Corporation, she is excited to have time for her family and other commitments.

"I now look forward to refocusing my energies on law and government, and to repaying the generous loan of time granted me by my family and friends for so long," she said.

Rudenstine told the Harvard News Office that he and the other members of the Corporation understand Hope's decision to resign.

"We are deeply grateful to her, and look forward to her continuing involvement to University affairs," Rudenstine said.

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