
Gingrich Meets Quietly With K-School Dean

On the study group's Web page, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen calls the report "the most comprehensive review of the national security environment, processes, and organizations [in 50 years]."

Gingrich's visit caused a stir at the KSG--even among people used to rubbing elbows with newsmakers. The KSG was abuzz as people compared their sightings of the former speaker.


"I just saw him walking by," one forum employee said. "I had no idea he was here."

By day's end yesterday, Gingrich had moved on to New York City to appear on a Fox News Channel television show.

Gingrich resigned as speaker a year ago in the wake of embarrassing election results resulting in the Republican party losing a number of seats in the House.

He became a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based think tank focusing on health care issues.

While withdrawing from the public eye, Gingrich is still working behind-the-scenes to influence policy.

He founded a political action committee, Friends of Newt Gingrich, that is gathering support for Republican candidates in next year's elections.

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