

The Queen In Parliament

But I don't think the monarchy should go. Sure, it's outdated and occasionally embarrassing. The recent Diana-madness bordered on the shameful. It may be argued that it is wrong to have any hereditary political office, no matter how powerless.

But people love monarchs and princes. If the British were to abolish the monarchy what would become of their tourist trade? Would elderly couples from the Midwest still stand in line to see the Throne Room in Buckingham Palace? Level-headed reasonableness and practicality sometimes advise compromise with imperfect institutions. And as far as imperfect institutions go, the monarchy is a fairly harmless one.


And besides, if it were not for the British monarchy, in what other context would you get to see, once a year, bewigged lords publicly walking backwards and having doors slammed in their faces? It's a show I don't want to miss.

Alejandro Jenkins '01 is a math and physics concentrator in Currier House. His column appears on alternate Wednesdays.


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