
Students, Employees Sort Trash for Audit

Peter Platt, co-chair of the recycling committee, said that, "one half of the waste we find is paper."

Gogan said he believes students don't recycle as much as they could because it's a "matter of convenience."


He said that, to combat this problem, he wants to increase the number of recycling receptacles on campus.

Platt, Merchant and Gogan said they would also like to distribute small desktop boxes to hold recyclable paper waste.

This program is copied from colleges like the University of Massachusetts and the University of North Carolina, which already have waste audits.

Gogan says that although Harvard recycles a higher percentage of its trash than Yale or Boston University, others such as Cornell recycle much more.

Gogan said Harvard must accept that improvement will only come gradually. The University should be "content with a trend and not expect a stunning quick success because we're doing about as well as we can."

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