
Seton Proposes Term-Bill Fee Hike

Seton, on his part, says that matching funds, while desirable, are unrealistic expectations for the council at this time.

"Do I think [the College should give the council matching funds]? Of course. Do I think that's going to happen soon enough to help students here now? No," Seton says.

Poisoning the Bill?


One possibility that concerns Seton is the prospect that John A. Burton '01 will try to amend the term-bill legislation.

Burton wants Seton's legislation to include a five-dollar term bill fee on all undergraduates to fund the operations of the Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS).

RUS, which used to levy a $5-fee on all female undergraduates, lost its ability to term-bill students when Radcliffe merged with Harvard in early October.

However, Lewis says he won't approve a term bill proposal with such an amendment, and Seton is worried his legislation will fall with Burton's RUS proposal if the two are passed together, as one bill.

"It's a poison pill," Seton says. "The administration is not going to pass a term bill with that Radcliffe money on it."

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