
Interracial Dating

Several students who are, or have been, involved in relationships with people of another race say that Harvard has a tolerant environment compared to other places.

"I do feel Harvard is very tolerant of mixed-race dating," says A. Maximo Cuellar '00, who is Catholic and Mexican but has been going out with a white American Jewish woman for four years.

Robyn Sackeyfio '00, a Mather House resident, says that people are much more tolerant of interracial dating at Harvard than at her high school in a predominantly white suburb of Detroit.


"People let you do whatever you want," Sackeyfio says, adding that no one here cares because no one at Harvard really dates anyway.

Stephanie N. Ajudua '00, a Kirkland House resident, says that students at Harvard act surprised by interracial dating.

"It's not as liberal as you think it is," Ajudua says.

Many students questioned about interracial dating say they focus on personality rather than race.

"I want to marry who I love, and I don't really want to care about race," says Ruben Marinelarena '02. "I really don't care about race," he adds.

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