The show has a lot to teach the teachers as well. After a year of successes and difficulties, the show allows teachers to see the real impact of their work. Although last-minute cold feet always spread through the students, once the lights are on and the crowd is cheering, every student performs and revels in the distinction of their efforts. The impact of this show for all those involved is profound. It stands as the ultimate product of their deep commitment to CityStep. The show gives everyone something concrete to focus on and to be proud of.
With all the hype and promotion Harvard doesn't always realize that the CityStep Ball is more than just an excuse to get dressed up. Its true purpose is to provide one of Harvard's unique organizations with the financing it needs to work effectively for the Cambridge community. This Friday, grab a date or go with a group of friends and enjoy an evening out of the Square, but keep in mind that the money you give supports an organization determined to improve the lives of our community's children.
Alex J. Leary '01 and Valerie E. Charat '01 are, respectively, an executive producer and an executive director for CityStep.