
Sturdy's Shoulders Will Bolster W. Basketball Hopes

She tutors children through Eliot House's Housing and Neighborhood Development Program and worked last spring as a construction volunteer on a Habitat for Humanity site.

"I like to stay involved in the whole Harvard community, and not just basketball," Sturdy said.


Sturdy is also active in the Harvard-Radcliffe Foundation for Women in Athletics. In addition, the entire team runs a clinic once a year for National Women and Girls in Sports Day.

This past weekend, the team ran a clinic at a local school for children with behavioral, emotional and psychological disorders. Team members will remain pen pals with the children.

Sturdy is remembering the many experiences she has had at Harvard in planning what she will do after graduation. Harvard has nominated her for the Rhodes scholarship, and she is applying for a Fulbright grant and other fellowships that would enable her to be in England or Ireland next year.

Sturdy is also considering attending graduate school someday but knows it will be in a subject other than biochemistry.

"I don't like being kept inside in lab for long periods of time," she said. "So graduate school would be in some other area."

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