
New Era Dawns for M. Hoops

Senior Ethan Altaratz will come off the bench, and 6'10 recruit Brian Sigafoos and 6'7 Don VanValkenburgh will play on the junior varsity.


At least initially, the Crimson's success will turn on integrating its five new faces into an offense that has lost its main cogs in Hill, Beam and Fisher.


That puts the onus on Long and Clemente to adapt their games to the strengths of the freshman class around them.

"There's going to be a learning curve," Sullivan said. "For the first month, for the first two months, it's going to be totally new for a lot of these guys. They need to get experience, more minutes and more opportunities."

The Ivy is somewhat two-tiered, with Penn, Princeton, Dartmouth and Cornell all returning multiple marquee players and looking to push for the top of the standings.

"Those are all teams with experience and star players," Sullivan said. "Then you've got Brown, Yale, Columbia and Harvard, and the question is who's going to be the one to make a move?"

That team will avoid a cellar-depth finish and position itself for a potential move to the first division in 2000-01. But for now, Harvard will content itself with developing the youth on its roster and generating the nucleus of a new contender.

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