
Presto Blanks to Begin Mazzoleni Era

Brown almost made good on a few of its threats, coming closest on the Bears' Jason Wilson breakaway at 9:50 in to the second period.

Prestifilippo was simply magical as he stoned Wilson, one of his 26 saves on the night.


"Our goaltender came up very, very big for us when we needed him," Mazzoleni said. "When we broke down, he was there to bail us out."

Though not perfect, Harvard's defense was very effective at breaking up most of Brown's long passes, and prevented the Bears from snagging rebounds.

The Crimson escaped the second period unscathed and proceeded to control the puck for a good portion of the third period.

Junior winger Chris Bala took a tripping penalty 38 seconds in to the third, giving Brown the early advantage.

Bears' captain Tyler Garrow nullified the Brown penalty at 2:13 getting nabbed for interference.

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