The council allocated $12,050 to hire a fleet of buses to ferry college students to and from New Haven on Harvard-Yale weekend. Round-trip tickets, which will go on sale next week at the council office in Holworthy basement, will be sold for $20.
The only piece of legislation that drew any objection was a bill to organize an overnight council retreat. The retreat, a mixture of "fun activities and council workshops," according to the bill, was going to be mandatory.
Some council members, however, were concerned that other representatives might have unavoidable conflicts with the event--one representative noted that the retreat was scheduled on the same night as the Eliot Lip-Synch competition.
Redmond defended the compulsory attendance, saying that the retreat would not be taken seriously if it were not mandatory. Besides, she said, an absence on the retreat would count no more than an absence at a council meeting, and members are allowed five of those.
After some debate on the measure, the word "mandatory" was removed from the bill by a vote of 34-33.