
Roaming Ethernet Yet To Arrive at Harvard

"Our goal was to form a ubiquitous network for people to be able to plug into the network and do stuff," said Albert Willis, a member of the MIT information systems staff.

Now classrooms, libraries, public areas and common rooms are wired with roaming ethernet.


And according to Willis, MIT recently began to play with wireless networking--the next technology to come.

In comparison to schools, Harvard is behind in roaming ethernet technology, a delay caused by security concerns, according to Steen.

He says that Harvard was confronted with the issue of roaming "with security" or roaming "without security."

Because Harvard waited to design a secure system--and then began the new network--it has taken longer to install the technology.

"In brief, when running a campus network that connects 10,000+ computers, in several hundred buildings, with several hundred wiring closets in those buildings,with those 10,000+ computers running dozens of different operating systems and configurations, it is more difficult than one might think to keep the network running smoothly," Rick Osterberg, director of residential computing, wrote in an e-mail message.

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