
Fall Theater Preview: October

Dr. Faustus

October 28-30

Loeb Ex

Written by Christopher Marlowe


Directed by Cary McClelland

Produced by Phil Michaelsen

THE PREMISE: What better way to spend Halloween weekend than feasting your eyes on a play rich in blood and sexual tension? This Shakespearean-era play will add a new flair to the traditional "deal with the devil" plot. Lucifer here will be portrayed as the demonic director of a play within the play, starring none other than the unwitting Dr. Faustus.

WHAT TO CHECK OUT: By portraying Faustus as an actor within a play, director Cary McClelland is able to emphasize the character's inherent need for a moment of glory in the spotlight, the primary issue drawing him into the dark side. McClelland also pointed out the other benefits of this approach, "The magic of hell becomes the magic of theater; [Lucifer] is from Germany to Rome in a scene change and Helen of Troy is an actress waiting in the wings. His death comes at the end of the show, as the scenery and tech is dismantled around him."

THE BUZZ: If you liked last year's rendition of Richard III, chances are this show will be right up your alley. This play brings together many old friends that worked on the Shakespeare project last year, and so far promises to be a great ensemble effort. McClelland said of the group, "We're looking forward to attacking a new project together."

Starring: David Egan, Thandi Parris and Peter Richards


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