
Ex-Nike Worker Urges Activism

"Nike's code of conduct was only treated as a decoration on office walls," Haryanto said.

According to Haryanto, the Indonesian government overlooks the poor working conditions.


"The government considers that workers don't exist at all, only as tools of production," he said. "The government tries to muffle workers [by creating a government union] designed to defend the interest of the company and not the workers."

In response, Haryanto formed Perbupas, an independent workers' union, and ultimately was fired for distributing anti-sweatshop literature.

He called on Harvard students to continue agitating on behalf of sweatshop workers.

"I hope that students here in America will see the need to struggle against oppression and the students will demand action from Nike."

PSLM is currently embroiled in negotiations with the administration over the issue of sweatshop labor. After a rally last March, University officials committed to disclosing the locations of overseas factories that manufacture Harvard apparel but have not yet acted on that promise.

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