
Two Professors Granted Rare Internal Tenures

He has also co-taught Historical Study A-12, "International Conflicts and Cooperation in the Modern World" with Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Stephen P. Rosen.

Rosen praised Moravcsik's expertise and teaching style.

"[Moravcsik] as a teacher is able to present extremely sophisticated theories and analyses to students in an introductory course in a way that makes those ideas exciting and accessible to the students. This is a rare gift," he says.


Jonathan Crystal, who worked with Moravcsik on both his senior thesis and doctoral thesis, also testified to his former adviser's pedagogical ability.

"He takes teaching very seriously. For example, he was very determined to raise his overall rankings in the CUE Guide. He is one of the few professors that is both brilliant and accessible," he says.

Crystal, who is now a professor at Fordham University also served as a TF in one of Moravcsik's classes.

"Some students were a little intimidated by him because he is very direct," Crystal says. However, Crystal sees this directness as a sign that Moravscik respects the students--he engages the students in intellectual discussion as he would with a colleague.

Saadia M. Pekkanen, who received a doctorate from Harvard in 1992 and was also a TF for Moravcsik, agreed that he makes himself very available to the students. "He encouraged interaction both in and out of the classroom," she says.

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