
Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay: Somerville's Lucky Charm

Gay met her husband, Bertram Gay, while in England. The couple moved to Somerville in 1968 because their child needed surgery that was only offered at Boston Children's Hospital.

When they found that everybody in Somerville "sort of wanted to help," Gay said they decided to stay.

"We'd never experienced that kind of friendliness," she says.


Gay was also drawn by what seemed the high level of opportunity available in the US.

"We saw the opportunities here that our children could have and that we could have," Gay said.

Those opportunities came quickly, when Gay and her husband found work. She became a nurse at Somerville's Heritage Hospital and he a machinist at a Cambridge company.

Politics on the Side

Gay worked full time as a nurse until this year, when she retired from her night shift as a nurse administrator at the Hebrew Center, her workplace for the last 17 years.

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