
After 12 Years, Barsamian's Says Goodbye

The store served mainly area residents, Harvard students and affiliates and those who worked nearby.

"The store was a hub for our community," said Freeman "Smoky" Markham, Barsamian's bakery manager. "The community is going to hurt without it."

The store also profited from its catering business, which Barsamian said served between 200 and 250 accounts every week. Much of the catering traffic came from Harvard.


"The University was our best customer," Barsamian said.

The history department was one of the store's catering clients. Laura M. Johnson, the staff assistant responsible for ordering food for department functions, said she is sad to see it go.

"I thought they had a fantastic store," she said. "It was very nicely set up, with a very interesting selection of foods."

Johnson said she was particularly fond of the store's large selection of salads, its variety of juices and its array of natural foods.

"It was just a funky store, a real fun place to go and broaden your horizons," she said.

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